Case Study: Kimberly-Clark Corporation
When Kimberly-Clark (K-C) contacted Access Innovations, they were investing $800 million a year into research and engineering. The research and engineering departments were creating reports as the company worked on developing new technology and processes in areas like skin care, infection control, and packaging, and they were also focused on being environmentally sustainable.
Kimberly-Clark Corporation (K-C) is historically successful primarily as a result of their research, but they had become slow in search of old research reports due to the size – and dispersal across physical locations – of the collection.
The Solution:
Access Innovations collaborated with various departments at K-C to develop an internal portal for technical documents. They converted old library records and microfilmed catalog cards to digital formats and made them accessible through the portal.
The Results:
With Access Innovations’ help, K-C was able to organize and process thousands of research reports by creating an internal portal. This portal allowed K-C scientists and engineers to easily search for and view both old and recent research reports of interest, using their specialized intranet system. By making valuable information easily accessible, K-C could continue to base future product development and improvement on past research, all while avoiding duplication of that research.