[Met Concert or Gala] CID:350297

Percussionists of the MET Orchestra
The Great Hall, Cooper Union, New York, Sun, February 13, 2000

Percussionists of the MET Orchestra

New York
The Great Hall, Cooper Union
February 13, 2000

Percussionists of the MET Orchestra

Conductor...................James Levine

Treasures of the Music Division
The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts

John Cage: Quartet for Percussion
Charles Barbour, Duncan Patton, Scott Stevens, Michael Werner

Mark Saya: From the Book of Imaginary Beings
Scott Stevens, Michael Werner, Gregory Zuber

Steve Reich: Drumming, Part 1
Charles Barbour, Lynn Bernhardt, Michael Werner, Gregory Zuber

George Antheil: Ballet M?canique

John Churchwell, Linda Hall, Robert Morrison [First appearance], Kevin Murphy

Charles Barbour, Lynn Bernhardt, Barry Centanni, Rafael (Ralphl) Guzman, Patricia Niemi, Michael Osrowitz,
Duncan Patton, Larry Spivack, Scott Stevens, Michael Werner, Gregory Zuber

[The autograph manuscripts for George Antheil's Ballet M?canique and
John Cage's Quartet are housed in the Library's Music Division.]

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