[Met Performance] CID:187320

La Gioconda
Metropolitan Opera House, Thu, March 2, 1961

Review 1:

Review of Wriston Locklair in Musical America
This fifth performance of Ponchielli's opera featured Barry Morell?s first Enzo at-the Metropolitan. Mary MacKenzie also appeared for the first time with the company as the blind La Cieca. Zinka Milanov and Giorgio Toni were heard for the first time in their roles this season.

Mr. Morrell will probably improve as Enzo when he has sung it a few times. This night he was plagued by pitch problems, and wandered far off in ?Cielo e mar? before he redeemed himself with a nice ringing high note at the end.

Miss MacKenzie, now in her second season, gave a sympathetic account of Gioconda's sightless mother. Her first act aria was full of warmth and conviction.

Miss Milanov's performances this season have been somewhat inconsistent. At times her singing is quite beautiful, full of color and strength. At other times ? and this Gioconda was one of those times ? the sound was strident and harsh. Her top notes were achieved by force, but, forced or floated, the audience loved them all and I cheered enthusiastically whenever Miss Milanov gave it the chance.

As for Mr. Tozzi ? well, Mr. Tozzi is as dependable a singer as the Metropolitan has. His performances are always persuasive and his voice a beautiful instrument.

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