[Met Performance] CID:184410

La Forza del Destino
Metropolitan Opera House, Sat, March 12, 1960 Matinee Broadcast
Broadcast Matinee Broadcast

La Forza del Destino (97)
Giuseppe Verdi | Francesco Maria Piave
Renata Tebaldi

Don Alvaro
Richard Tucker

Don Carlo
Mario Sereni

Padre Guardiano
Jerome Hines

Mignon Dunn

Fra Melitone
Salvatore Baccaloni

Marquis de Calatrava
Louis Sgarro

Carlotta Ordassy

Alessio De Paolis

Roald Reitan

Thomas Schippers

Rebroadcast on Sirius Metropolitan Opera Radio

Review 1:

Review of John Ardoin in Musical America
This is the same cast that was scheduled for the March 4 performance which was not completed, owing to the death of Leonard Warren. At that time, Renata Tebaldi was making her first appearance of the season with the company as Leonora and Salvatore Baccaloni was also making his first seasonal appearance as Melitone. Mario Sereni at this performance sang Don Carlo for the first time this season.

This performance found Miss Tebaldi at her finest, which is a vocal state that few sopranos today can match. Her high B's and B flats were rich and soaring, and her sublime pianissimos had a matchless quality of lightness. She also displayed some of her familiar faults ? breathing in the middle of words and erratic rhythm.

Mr. Sereni's Don Carlo was a pleasant surprise. His voice is well suited to the role, and he never allowed himself to succumb to the obvious temptation of over-singing the part. Mr. Baccaloni's Melitone is a classic portrayal of this role and it was a pleasure to see him at this performance, which marked his 20th anniversary with the Metropolitan.

Like Mr. Baccaloni, the American baritone Frank Valentino has served the Metropolitan for 20 years, and the two artists were presented with inscribed silver traveling clocks by the Metropolitan. Lowell Wadmond, director and former president of the Metropolitan Opera Association, made the presentation before the curtain at the end of the first intermission.

Richard Tucker's Alvaro was so superb vocally that one could only wish that he had brought a little more dramatic restraint to his voice, with more singing and less sobbing. The remainder of the cast included Louis Sgarro, Jerome Hines, Mignon Dunn, Carlotta Ordassy, Alessio de Paolis, and Roald Reitan. A word of high praise must go to Thomas Schippers and the orchestra.

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