[Met Performance] CID:184350

Andrea Ch?nier
Metropolitan Opera House, Sat, March 5, 1960

Andrea Ch?nier (87)
Umberto Giordano | Luigi Illica
Andrea Ch?nier
Carlo Bergonzi

Maddalena de Coigny
Zinka Milanov

Carlo G?rard
Ettore Bastianini

Margaret Roggero

Countess di Coigny
Martha Lipton

Gabor Carelli

George Cehanovsky

Alessio De Paolis

Frank Valentino

Ezio Flagello

Bel?n Amparan

Osie Hawkins

Fouquier Tinville
Norman Scott

Calvin Marsh

Lloyd Strang

Fausto Cleva

Dino Yannopoulos

Frederick Fox

Andrea Ch?nier received fourteen performances this season.

Review 1:

Review of John Ardoin in Musical America
The first "Andrea Chenier" of the season was ushered in amidst frantic screaming, cries of "bravo." shredded programs thrown from the balcony, and bouquets tossed on the stage. Much of this exuberance was justified. The cast was a familiar and favorite one ? Zinka Milanov, Belen Amparan, Martha Lipton, Margaret Roggero, Carlo Bergonzi, Ettore Bastianini, George Cehanovsky, Gabor Corelli, Ezio Flagello, Alessio de Paolis, Norman Scott, Osie Hawkins, Calvin Marsh, and Lloyd Strang. Fausto Cleva conducted.

Miss Milanov was in exceptional voice and provided some rare vocal moments, especially in the second duet and the first part of "La mamma morta.? Bergonzi may not be an ideal Chenier, lacking the clarion brilliance the role often needs, but he did some splendid singing. Outstanding was his performance of "Come un bel di Maggio."

The main vocal honors of the evening went to Mr. Bastianini who is an ideal Gerard. His voice was warm, full and effectively handled. The "Nemico della patria" brought a deserved ovation. Mention also must be made of Miss Amparan's moving third-act aria.

This production, last heard in the 1957-58 season, is still one of the Metropolitan's most satisfactory. The third act, especially, is an effective bit of theatre.

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