[Met Performance] CID:146930

Tristan und Isolde
Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, February 2, 1948

Tristan und Isolde (327)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Lauritz Melchior

Helen Traubel

Herbert Janssen

Blanche Thebom

King Marke
Mih?ly Sz?kely

Emery Darcy

Sailor's Voice
John Garris

Leslie Chabay

Philip Kinsman

Fritz Busch

Traubel's costumes were designed by Adrian.

Review 1:

Review , unsigned, in Musical America

The season's fourth Tristan, Feb. 2, was a performance of superior merits. Mr. Melchior, who had conflicts with the pitch in the love scene, made handsome atonement in the third act, particularly in the curse of the potion. It was Helen Traubel, however, who walked off with the chief vocal honors of the evening and who sang the dreamier passages of the duet with exquisitely floating soft tones and prevailing justness of intonation. Beautiful, likewise, was the tower song of Blanche Thebom, whose Brang?ne grows from one performance to the next. Mihaly Szekely's King Mark is amazing for its searching vocal beauty

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