[Met Performance] CID:139130

Das Rheingold
Ring Cycle [76]
Metropolitan Opera House, Sat, March 10, 1945

Das Rheingold (92)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Herbert Janssen

Blanche Thebom

Frederick Lechner

John Garris

Margaret Harshaw

Nicola Moscona

Emanuel List

Astrid Varnay

Emery Darcy

Osie Hawkins

Karl Laufk?tter

Thelma Votipka

Lucielle Browning

Martha Lipton

George Szell

Ring Cycle [76]

Review 1:

Review of Noel Straus in The New York Times


BlancheThebom, Miss Varnay and Martha Lipton Make Debuts in Cast

The presentation of Wagner's "Das Rheingold" last night at the Metropolitan Opera House opened the annual Saturday evening series of "The Ring." Three of the members of the cast had not been heard before in the work. Blanche Thebom, appearing as Fricka, Astrid Varnay as Freia, and Martha Lipton as Flosshilde, for the first time. The rest of the personnel was identical with that of the earlier performance of the season, with George Szell again conducting.

Of the three young artists entrusted with roles new to them, Miss Thebom accomplished the most commendable singing. Though Fricka, like Freia and Flosshilde, has little chance in the introductory music drama of the cycle, a good deal can be done with the part, and vocally Miss Thebom made most of her opportunities tell.

With clear, firm tones she expressed the goddess' indignation at Wotan's pact and her solicitude for Freia's safety. But the voice was used with over-discretion and not permitted to soar forth with the full-bodied tones that marked her work in her two previous roles. Her acting was intelligent and dignified, but as yet she had not fully identified herself with the part, which demands more vividness and vital impact.

Miss Varnay was not in top form as Freia, her few brief outcries being uttered in pushed, shrill tones, but her portrayal was laudably simple and sympathetic. As for Miss Lipton, she was not well cast as Flosshilde, since she does not happen to possess a voice of the true contralto type needed to land the third Rhine Maiden's music the desired contrast to that of the other two. Moreover, her singing was too light in volume for this part.

The other participants on stage included Herbert Janssen as Wotan, Frederick Lechner as Alberich, John Garris as Loge, Karl Laufk?tter as Mime, Osie Hawkins as Donner, Emanuel List as Fafner, Nicola Moscona as Fasolt, Emery Darcy as Froh, Margaret Harshaw as Erda, Thelma Votipka as Woglinde and Lucille Browning as Wellgunde. Since their work was detailed in the

Review 2:

Review on the previous performance and remained virtually the same, there is no need for further comment on it.

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