[Met Concert or Gala] CID:118860

Gala Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, February 23, 1936

Debut : Hortense Kahrklin, Jack Potteiger, Christian B?rard

Gala Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
February 23, 1936


La Forza del Destino: Overture

Robert le Diable: Suore che riposate
Virgilio Lazzari

Lucia di Lammermoor: Verranno a te
Josephine Antoine
Joseph Bentonelli

Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s'ouvre ? ta voix
Karin Branzell

Le Roi de Lahore: Promesse de mon avenir
Richard Bonelli

Mozartiana {1}

a. Gigue: Hortense Kahrklin [Debut], Josef Levinoff, Jack Potteiger [Only appearance]
b. Menuet: American Ballet Group
c. Ave Verum: Annabelle Lyon
d. Pas de Deux: Leda Anchutina, William Dollar
e.Theme and Variations: American Ballet Group
f. Pas de Deux: Holly Howard, Charles Laskey
g. Finale: American Ballet Group

Christian B?rard [Debut], Costume Designer
George Balanchine, Choreographer

Mascagni: Guglielmo Ratcliff: The Dream

Glazunov: Ruses d'amour: La Fricass?e

Pagliacci: Vesti la giubba
Giovanni Martinelli

La Gioconda: Laura - Alvise Duet
Karin Branzell
Virgilio Lazzari

Lucia di Lammermoor: Mad Scene
Josephine Antoine

La Forza del Destino: Invano Alvaro
Giovanni Martinelli
Richard Bonelli

Martha: Act II Quartet
Martha..................Josephine Antoine
Nancy...................Helen Olheim
Lionel..................Joseph Bentonelli
Plunkett................Virgilio Lazzari

La Gioconda: Dance of the Hours
Annia Breyman, Leda Anchutina, Elise Reiman, Rabana Hasburgh, Gisella Caccialanza, Holly Howard, Kathryn Mullowny, Anatol Vilzak, American Ballet Ensemble

Conductor...............Wilfred Pelletier

[The excerpt from Martha was performed in costume. Soloists for the Dance of the Hours were not identified in the program, but were probably those of the first performance of the season.]

The excerpt from Martha was performed in costume. Soloists for the Dance of the Hours were not identified in the program, but were probably those of the first performance of the season.

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