[Met Performance] CID:98970

Madonna Imperia
Le Coq d'Or
Metropolitan Opera House, Thu, March 22, 1928

In French

Madonna Imperia (5)
Franco Alfano | Arturo Rossato
Madonna Imperia
Nannette Guilford

Filippo Mala
Frederick Jagel

Chancellor Ragusa
Ezio Pinza

Prince of Co?ra
James Wolfe

Louis D'Angelo

Charlotte Ryan

Philine Falco

Giordano Paltrinieri

Millo Picco

Angelo Bad?

Tullio Serafin

Le Coq d'Or (49)
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov | Vladimir Belsky need translators?
Nannette Guilford

Marion Talley

Queen (Dance)
Rosina Galli

Ezio Pinza

Dodon (Dance)
Alexis Kosloff

Amelfa (Dance)
Rita De Leporte

Henriette Wakefield

Rafaelo D?az

Astrologer (Dance)
Giuseppe Bonfiglio

Louis D'Angelo

Polkan (Dance)
Ottokar Bartik

Giordano Paltrinieri

Gvidon (Dance)
Isador Swee

First Knight
Giordano Paltrinieri

First Knight (Dance)
Etienne Barone

Second Knight
Vincenzo Reschiglian

Second Knight (Dance)
Juan Casanova

Giuseppe Bamboschek

In French
LE COQ D'OR {49}

Review 1:

Review signed M. W. in the New York Tribune

'Madonna Imperia' Heard With 'Coq d'Or' at Opera

Nannette Guilford Sings Title Role in Newer Work

At the Metropolitan Opera last evening a repetition of the latest double bill, "Madonna Imperia" and Le Coq d'Or," involved several changes in the familiar casts. Chief among these was the assumption by Nannette Guilford of the title role in the Alfano opera for the first time, although she had understudied Maria M?ller and had sung the part in the dress rehearsal. Miss Guilford is able to present a fairly convincing portrait and endows the capricious courtesan of Constance with some beauty of person and song. She met with a slight mishap at her entrance when her elaborate gown caught first in the door and then on a nail, throwing her to her knees with some violence, but she disengaged herself and pursued the even way of her interpretation with admirable serenity. Many in the audience were scarcely aware of the incident.

Her colleagues were the usual incumbents of the remaining roles, Misses Falco and Ryan as the maids, Mr. Jagel as the little clerk. Filippo Maio, the important suitors sung by Messrs. D'Angelo, Pinza and Wolfe, Mr. Bada as the Prelate of Bordeaux, and Messrs Picco and Paltrinieri as the two servants. Mr. Serafin conducted.

In Rimsky-Korsakoff's delicious ballet opera, Mr. Bamboschek conducted, Miss Talley sang the voice of the Queen, Miss Wakefield, that of Amalfa, while Mr. Diaz sang the Astrologer, Miss Guilford, the voice of the Golden Cockrel, Mr. Pinza, the King and Mr. d'Angelo, the General. As at previous performances, the chief dancers were Mmes. Galli and De Laporte, Messrs. Kosloff, Bonfiglio and Bartik.

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