[Met Performance] CID:98670

Madonna Imperia
Le Coq d'Or
Metropolitan Opera House, Fri, March 2, 1928

In French

Madonna Imperia (3)
Franco Alfano | Arturo Rossato
Madonna Imperia
Maria M?ller

Filippo Mala
Frederick Jagel

Chancellor Ragusa
Ezio Pinza

Prince of Co?ra
James Wolfe

Louis D'Angelo

Charlotte Ryan

Philine Falco

Giordano Paltrinieri

Millo Picco

Angelo Bad?

Tullio Serafin

Le Coq d'Or (47)
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov | Vladimir Belsky need translators?
Nannette Guilford

Queen (Dance)
Rosina Galli

Louise Lerch

Ezio Pinza

Dodon (Dance)
Alexis Kosloff

Merle Alcock

Amelfa (Dance)
Rita De Leporte

Max Altglass

Astrologer (Dance)
Giuseppe Bonfiglio

Louis D'Angelo

Polkan (Dance)
Ottokar Bartik

Giordano Paltrinieri

Gvidon (Dance)
Isador Swee

First Knight
Giordano Paltrinieri

First Knight (Dance)
Etienne Barone

Second Knight
Vincenzo Reschiglian

Second Knight (Dance)
Juan Casanova

Giuseppe Bamboschek

In French
LE COQ D'OR {47}

Review 1:

Review signed M. W. in the New York Tribune

Novel 'Madonna Imperia' Repeated at Metropolitan

Louise Lerch Portrays Princess in 'Coq d'Or' for First Time

The latest operatic novelty, Alfano's 'Madonna Imperia,' was repeated at the Metropolitan last night with the original cast, which included Mme. M?ller as the heroine, Mr. Jagel as Filippo Malo, Mmes. Ryan and Falco the maids, and Messrs. Pinza, Wolfe, D'Angelo, Picco, Paltrinieri and Bada completing the list, with Mr. Serafin at the conductor's desk.

The brief work was followed by Rimsky-Korsakoff's charming ballet-opera "Le Coq d'Or," in which Louise Lerch, the young Allentown soprano who made her debut with the company last year sang the voice of the princess for the first time. Miss Lerch is entirely competent to perform this difficult task, for her voice has an even scale and a tonal quality which is adult and not without color. Her phrasing was careful and her diction often a model of clarity. Bearing a false attack and a conspicuous gathering together of her forces for the leap to her highest note (a leap which arrived a little short of its mark) she came off with honors. Another occasion when nerves are not an impediment will prove her abilities more justly.

There was also a newcomer in the vocal part of the Astrologer, Mr. Altglass adequately assuming the role usually entrusted to Mr. Diaz. Otherwise the cast remained as before, with Miss Guilford singing the Golden Cock, Miss Alcock the Nurse, Amalfa, and Mr. Pinza the King, other parts being sung by Messrs. D'Angelo, Paltrinieri and Reschiglian. Miss Galli repeated her thoroughly enchanting impersonation of the Princess, Mr. Kosloff danced and mimed King Dodon, and Miss De Laporte, Messrs. Bonfiglio, Bartik, Swee, Barone and Casanova interpreted the other pantomimic roles. Mr. Bamboschek conducted.

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