[Met Performance] CID:92060

La Cena delle Beffe
Metropolitan Opera House, Thu, January 21, 1926

La Cena delle Beffe (4)
Umberto Giordano | Sem Benelli
Frances Alda

Beniamino Gigli

Lawrence Tibbett

Angelo Bad?

Louis D'Angelo

Vincenzo Reschiglian

Millo Picco

Henriette Wakefield

Max Altglass

Adamo Didur

Giordano Paltrinieri

Merle Alcock

Grace Anthony

Ellen Dalossy

Tullio Serafin

Review 1:

Review of staff critic J. A. H. in Musical America

Giordano's "La Cena delle Beffe" had its [fourth] performance on the evening of Jan. 21, the occasion being especially notable through the appearance in the r?le of Neri of Lawrence Tibbett, whose sensational success in "Falstaff" the young singer duplicated on this occasion.

Mr. Tibbett had a more difficult task as Neri, as it was inevitable that comparisons would be made between his performance and that of Lionel Barrymore in the dramatic version of the Benelli play, and as well as that of Titta Ruffo, recently seen and heard at the Metropolitan. Be it said that with the exception of a singularly inexpressive facial makeup, coming perilously near the "pretty," Mr. Tibbett suffered in no whit by comparison with anyone. There is an angularity about this young man that, when turned to proper account, is not only expressive, but attractive. It was so in "L'Heure Espagnole," and it was more so in "The Jest." His swashbuckling had the ring of sincerity and there was a vividness about his characterization that carried on his part of the drama with almost breathless interest. Vocally, he was more than satisfactory. Even in his loudest moments, there was never a vestige of strain, and the tone gave the impression that he might sing twice as loud if he chose, which is proof of easy, accurate placement. In the few lyric moments allotted to the character, Mr. Tibbett shone delightfully. All in all, it was a satisfactory, interesting and thoroughly enjoyable piece of work and one of which all believers in the American singer and American teaching will feel proud.

Mr. Tibbett was naturally the recipient of much applause after each act, and especially after the third, when he was called before the curtain alone to acknowledge the tumultuous acclaim of the sold-out house.

Mr. Gigli repeated his fine performance of Giannetto, and Mme. Alda made an alluring and vocally fine Ginevra. The remaining r?les were capably filled by Messrs. Bada, D'Angelo, Reschiglian, Picco, Paltrinieri, Didur, Altglass and Mmes. Dalossv, Alcock, Anthony and Wakefield. Tullio Serafin conducted.

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