[Met Performance] CID:89430

Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, February 18, 1925 Matinee

Review 1:

Review in the Tribune

'Tannh?user' Matin?e Opens New Wagner Cycle

Audience at Metropolitan Acclaims Jeritza in Last Appearance of Season

"Tannh?user" was given at the Metropolitan Opera House yesterday afternoon for the fifth time this season. The performance marked the [start] of the 'Wagner Cycle" which the Metropolitan proposes to give at a special series of subscription matin?es during February and March.

Thatlocal Wagner lovers appreciated the opportunity to hear six of the great operas and music-dramas under these favorable conditions was indicated by the size of the audience, which filed the house to capacity and manifested rapt attention and warm enthusiasm throughout the afternoon - though no doubt the presence of Mme. Jeritza in the cast and the realization that it was her last appearance in opera this season had something to do with the attendance.

The cast was a familiar one, with a single exception, the Landgraf of Michael Bohnen, which he sang here yesterday for the first time. Like all of Mr. Bohnen's impersonations, this was an elaborately detailed and finished performance, dramatically vivid and imposingly sung. Mme. Jeritza, as so often before at the Metropolitan, was an Elisabeth of melting tenderness and spiritualized beauty. She has done nothing finer in New York. Her Tosca may be her best box-office role, but her Elisabeth will remain in the memories of those who have seen and heard it as her most artistic and musically satisfying achievement. The singer was in excellent form yesterday, and was fervidly acclaimed with repeated curtain calls after the second act, in which she compelled the modest Mr. Taucher to share. At the end large numbers lingered and applauded hopefully until, clad in a black dressing gown, she eventually appeared to wave farewells.

Friedrich Schorr sang Wolfram with the never-failing skill and musicianship which he expends upon every role he undertakes. Mr. Taucher was his familiar self as Tannh?user, with the added handicap of a cold. Jeanne Gordon sang Venus, Raymonde Delaunois the Young Shepherd, George Meader the Walther. Messrs. Gabor, Block, Gustafson and Misses Benetti, Egener, Hunter and Ryan completed the cast. Mr. Bodanzky conducted.

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