[Met Performance] CID:86730

Le Roi de Lahore
Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, March 10, 1924

ACT III Ballet Divertissement devised and arranged by Rosina Galli

1. Adagio - Valse: Rosina Galli, Premiere Danseuse; Giuseppe Bonfiglio, Premiere Danseur
Florence Rudolph, Rita De Leporte, Florence McNally, Jessie York, and Corps de Ballet

2. Variations de Caractere: Misses Florence Rudolph, Rita De Leporte, Lilyan Ogden,
Jessie Rogge, Ruth Viemeister, Dorothy Wagner, Frances Weller, Leonora Nickerson,
Marion Klebora, Yvonne Bailey, Marie Anderson

3. Ensemble Finale: Rosina Galli, Giuseppe Bonfiglio and entire Corps de Ballet

Review 1:

Review of Grena Bennett in the American

"Le Roi de Lahore" proved an opera of unusual cosmopolitanism last night at the Metropolitan. Though written by the Frenchman Massenet and sung by a cast that included Italian, French, Spanish, German and American artists this remarkable variety was increased by the addition of a small group of turbaned Hindus who applauded enthusiastically from front row seats.

But not all the glory of the evening was directed to these inanimate and spectacular items. Delia Reinhardt, apparently recovered from illness that marred her first performance of Sita, sang with charming quality and somewhat greater volume. Her voice is still rather light for her most dramatic episodes.

The title role of the sovereign who renounced paradise for love was splendidly sung by Giacomo Lauri-Volpi. Good style, fine feeling and superb vigor were his outstanding qualities. These, added to a youthful and romantic appearance, made his royal majesty a fine figure of a king.

Giuseppe de Luca, golden-voiced and super-artist, sang the part of the vindictive prime minister; Leon Rothier was excellent as the High Priest (he claims ten similar characters in his repertory).

Jos? Mardones added a precious bit of vocalism as the Diety Indra and Marie Alcock sang the small role Kalad. The ballet and chorus, clad in metal glitter and shimmering silks, received and deserved considerable applause.

Mr. Hasselmans conducted with discretion and taste.

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