[Met Performance] CID:86680

Cos? Fan Tutte
Metropolitan Opera House, Thu, March 6, 1924

Cos? Fan Tutte (8)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Lorenzo Da Ponte
Delia Reinhardt

George Meader

Frances Peralta

Giuseppe De Luca

Lucrezia Bori

Don Alfonso
Adamo Didur

Artur Bodanzky

Samuel Thewman

Set Designer
Joseph Urban

Costume Designer
Gretel Urban

Cos? Fan Tutte received two performances this season.

Review 1:

Review signed J. A. H. in Musical America

'Cosi Fan Tutte' Heard for First Time This Season at Metropolitan

Mozart's delectable "Cosi Fan Tutte" was given for the first time during the current season on the evening of March 6, drawing a large audience. The work, which is one of the sprightliest in the repertoire, first saw the light of day in Vienna in 1790 and was given its first American production, so far as is known, at the Metropolitan in March, 1922. Despite the fact that it was written while Mozart was in a period of great unhappiness and distress of all kinds, it is perhaps the merriest and most joyful of his operas.

The book, which has suffered much tinkering, was reviled as one of the silliest librettos ever written, but that is an opinion, probably, of persons lacking in humorous sense. (There are even folk so benighted as to find "The Mikado" dull!) Viewed as a piece of delightful tomfoolery, both in the book and in the music, it would be difficult to surpass "Cosi Fan Tutte."

The cast was identical with that heard heretofore, with the exception of the Fiordiligi, who was formerly impersonated by Mme. Easton, but on this occasion by Mme. Delia Reinhardt. Mme. Reinhardt, singing the role for the first time, looked very lovely and acted engagingly. Her singing was excellent, especially in view of the fact that the part is not an ideal one for her voice.

Mme. Peralta repeated her fine performance of Dorabella, which is one of the best things she does, and also sang very beautifully. Mr. Meader and Mr. DeLuca as Fernando and Guglielmo, respectively, sang and acted with finesse, and Miss Bori as Despina romped delightfully through her part and sang with much charm. Mr. Didur as the cynical Don Alfonso contributed much to the fun of the evening as well as the vocal excellence. Mr. Bodanzky conducted, giving the entire work snap and verve.,

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