[Met Performance] CID:86130

Der Rosenkavalier
Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, January 28, 1924

Der Rosenkavalier (36)
Richard Strauss | Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Maria Jeritza

Princess von Werdenberg (Marschallin)
Florence Easton

Baron Ochs
Paul Bender

Queena Mario

Gustav Sch?tzendorf

Kathleen Howard

Angelo Bad?

Italian Singer
Rafaelo D?az

Grace Anthony

Virginia Gitchell

Princess' Major-domo
Pietro Audisio

Nannette Guilford

Louise Hunter

Henriette Wakefield

Phradie Wells

Animal Vendor
Raffaele Lipparini

William Gustafson

Giordano Paltrinieri

Faninal's Major-domo
Raimondo Ditello

George Meader

Police Commissioner
Carl Schlegel

Artur Bodanzky

Review 1:

Review of W. J. Henderson in the Herald

Jeritza's Octavian Again Enjoyed at the Metropolitan

Strauss's Lyric Opera Heard

In the timeless whirling of the lyric repertory Richard Strauss's "Der Rosenkavalier" was brought back to the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House last evening. The performance of the familiar drama of high life above stairs was apparently much enjoyed by an audience of considerable size. The work moves securely along the path of the fleeting season. Its gait is smooth and steady. It has no excesses of speed, no jolts, no mishaps. It doesn't stir the populace to undue excitement, nor does it aggravate the appetite for after dinner naps. It entertains without convulsing, though it cannot be pronounced, like Mr. Tree's "Hamlet," "funny without being vulgar," and it titillates the ear without taxing the intelligence.

The work owes much of its vitality to good performances. In Mmes. Jeritza and Easton the Metropolitan possesses a pair of interesting lovers who make much of the somewhat tender first act. Mme. Easton has improved her impersonation both vocally and pictorially since her first performance. A sincere artist, she is never content with the merely tolerable. Mme. Jeritza can hardly create illusion in masculine garb, but her young Octavian is a pretty fellow and sings better than he used to.

Mr. Bender continues to portray the blundering Baron Ochs with unction and with a certain excelling reticence which keeps the portrait well on the safe side of caricature. Mr. Sch?tzendorf again had the thankless role of Von Faninal and Mr. Diaz was nominated in the program "a singer." Mr. Bada and Mme. Howard were capable as the adventurers.

Miss Queena Mario for the second time essayed the role of Sophie, for which Mr. Strauss wrote some of the most unvocal music ever hurried into the troubled life of a high soprano. Miss Mario was quite charming in the role and sang the difficult music with well placed tones decidedly agreeable to the ear and well sustained phrasing. Her appearance added to the attractiveness of the scene of the rose presentation in which she and Mme. Jeritza delivered the duet most commendably. Mr. Bodanzky conducted the performance with skill.

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