[Met Performance] CID:79200

New production (La Navarraise)

La Navarraise
Cavalleria Rusticana
Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, November 30, 1921

La Navarraise (9)
Jules Massenet | Henri Ca?n/Jules Ars?ne Arnaud Claretie
Geraldine Farrar

Giulio Crimi

L?on Rothier

Louis D'Angelo

Giordano Paltrinieri

Paolo Ananian

Albert Wolff

Samuel Thewman

Set Designer
Triangle Studio

Cavalleria Rusticana (202)
Pietro Mascagni | Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti, Guido Menasci
Rosa Ponselle

Beniamino Gigli

Flora Perini

Thomas Chalmers

Mamma Lucia
Louise B?rat

Roberto Moranzoni

Armando Agnini

Set Designer
Mario Sala

Set Designer
Angelo Parravicini

Costume Designer
Maison Chiappa

La Navarraise received four performances this season.

Review 1:

Review :

Mme. Farrar's Anita proffered much to praise. It was a discreet, rather than a violent personation. Her singing was of like description. Seldom has her personal charm asserted itself more than in the plain black dress of the peasant girl. There was no place here for those eccentricities and excesses of costuming which have been the rule, rather than the exception, in Mme. Farrar's operatic appearances of many seasons. In simplicity, it was a portrait to recall that of the Goose Girl. Vocally, she again exhibited the new measure of restraint that has characterized her singing this season, even to the point of being at times almost inaudible. Her high tones were free, and she colored the voice very skillfully, though the quality lapsed at times into that of recent seasons. Her embodiment of the heroine was a touchingly sympathetic if not a very compelling one. She limned an appealing picture, but not one of gripping power. Perhaps a rougher type is to be desired, but Mme. Farrar's refined and finely poised study was well worthy of the plaudits it won for her. She was recalled before the curtain many times and showered with bouquets.

The imposing bearing and fine French diction of Leon Rothier gave distinction to the role of Garrido. Giulio Crimi was a lachrymose Araquil and not in particularly good voice. The vocalism of the evening, saving only Mme. Farrar's, suffered from too much energy of attack in the effort to gain the desired intensity of utterance. Albert Wolff conducted as if the score were much better than this re-hearing proved it to be, and the orchestra responded nobly. Those who recalled earlier representations of the work agreed that there was less shooting and more music in this latest revival.

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