[Met Concert or Gala] CID:74820

Twenty-First Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, April 11, 1920

Twenty-First Sunday Night Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
April 11, 1920


Tannh?user: Overture

Die Walk?re: Wotan's Farewell and Magic Fire Music
Clarence Whitehill

Le Cid: Pleurez mes yeux
Rosalie Miller [Last appearance]

Mentelssohn: Concerto in E Minor
Mischa Elman, violin

Tchaikovsky: Capriccio Italien

Rachmaninoff: The Isle
Gretchaninov: My Native Land
Clarence Whitehill
Willy Tyroler, piano

La Forge: Supplication
Saenger: Scotch Pastorale
Dobson: At the Edge of the Sea
Ware: Dance of the Romaika
Rosalie Miller
Walter Golde, piano

Wagner/Wilhelmj: Die Meistersinger von N?rnberg: Prize Song
Sarasate: Caprice Basque
Mischa Elman, violin
Josef Bonime, piano

Conductor...............Richard Hageman

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