[Met Concert or Gala] CID:67070

First Sunday Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, November 18, 1917

First Sunday Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
November 18, 1917


Dvor?k: Carnival Overture

Carmen: Je dis que rien ne m'?pouvante
Ruth Miller

Orfeo ed Euridice: Che far? senza Euridice
Sophie Braslau

Wieniawski: Violin Concerto in D Minor
Mischa Elman, violin

Tchaikovsky: Capriccio Italien

La Boh?me: Musetta's Waltz [repeated]
Rogers: The Star [encore]
Ruth Miller

La Forge: Before the Crucifix
Manney: Consecration
Di Nogero: My Love Is a Muleteer
Sophie Braslau

Chopin/Wilhelmj: Nocturne
Rossini/Paganini: Introduction and Variations on Di tanti palpiti from Tancredi
Mischa Elman, violin
Phillip Gordon, piano

Glazunov: Mazurka

Conductor...............Richard Hageman
Piano...................Giuseppe Bamboschek

According to papers, Elman played in all nine or ten selections. Among his encores were Beethoven's Minuet, Dvor?k's Humoresque, and Schubert's Ave Maria.

According to papers, Elman played in all nine or ten selections. Among his encores were Beethoven's Minuet, Dvor?k's Humoresque, and Schubert's Ave Maria.

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