[Met Concert or Gala] CID:53150

Thirteenth Grand Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, February 11, 1912

Thirteenth Grand Sunday Night Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
February 11, 1912


Mignon: Overture

La Juive: Si la rigueur;
Schumann: Die beiden Grenadiere
L?on Rothier

Tannh?user: Dich teure Halle
Olive Fremstad

La Boh?me: Che gelida manina
Dmitri Smirnoff

Paganini: Concerto in D Major
Kathleen Parlow, violin

Kriens: Suite, In Holland [United States Premiere]
a. Morning on the Zuider Zee
b. The Dutch Mill
c. Evening Sounds
d. Wooden Shoe Dance

Bull: Saeterjentens s?ndag
Grieg: Med en primulaveris
Grieg: En dr?m
Kjerulf: Og raeven la under birkerod
Olive Fremstad

Russian Songs [Last appearance]
Dmitri Smirnoff

Tchaikovsky: Meditation
Wieniawski: Polonaise
Kathleen Parlow, violin
George Falkenstein, piano

Gounod: La Reine de Saba: March

Conductor...............Josef Pasternack
Piano...................Willy Tyroler

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