[Met Concert or Gala] CID:45150

First Grand Sunday Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, November 21, 1909

First Grand Sunday Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
November 21, 1909


Massenet: Ph?dre: Overture

I Vespri Siciliani: O tu Palermo
Herbert Witherspoon

Orfeo ed Euridice: Che far? senza Euridice
Anna Meitschik

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E Minor: Andante Cantabile

Rom?o et Juliette: Ah! l?ve-toi soleil
Edmond Cl?ment

Die Walk?re: Wotan's Farewell and Magic Fire Music
Clarence Whitehill

Liszt: Polonaise in E Major
Johannes G. Heidenreich

David: La Perle du Br?sil: Charmant oiseau
Bernice de Pasquali
Otto St?ckert, flute

Handel: Largo
Eugene B?gner, violin

Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s'ouvre ? ta voix
Florence Wickham

Le Roi d'Ys: Vainement, ma bien-aim?e
Edmond Cl?ment

Chabrier: Espa?a

Conductor...............Max Bendix
Piano...................Johannes G. Heidenreich [First appearance]
Organ...................Hans Morgenstern

Both the Press and the Herald identify the evening's violinist as Jascha Bron. However, the signed program lists Eugene B?gner, First Violin in the Met Orchestra.

There were nineteen concerts this season.

Both the Press and the Herald identify the evening's violinist as Jascha Bron. However, the signed program lists Eugene B?gner, First Violin in the Met Orchestra.
There were nineteen concerts this season.

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