[Met Concert or Gala] CID:38990

Thirteenth Grand Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, February 24, 1907

Thirteenth Grand Sunday Night Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
February 24, 1907


Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture

Samson et Dalila: Mon coeur s'ouvre ? ta voix
Louise Kirkby-Lunn

Der Freisch?tz: Durch die W?lder
Alois Burgstaller

Lalo: Concerto in D Minor: Intermezzo; Finale
Anton Hekking, cello

Le Nozze di Figaro: Countess Aria
Katherine Fleischer-Edel

Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3

Salome: Dance of the Seven Veils

Brahms: Sapphische Ode
Franz: Im Herbst
Louise Kirkby-Lunn

Bach: Air for the G String
Schumann: Tr?umerei
Popper: Papillon
Anton Hekking, cello

Pagliacci: Prologue
Franz Stiner

Schubert: Der Wanderer; Wohin
Schindler: Die Eigensinnige
Alois Burgstaller

G?tterd?mmerung: Immolation Scene
Katherine Fleischer-Edel

Lalo: Intermezzo; Finale

Conductor.....................Alfred Hertz
Piano.........................Kurt Schindler

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