[Met Concert or Gala] CID:34780

Tenth Grand Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, January 29, 1905

Tenth Grand Sunday Night Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
January 29, 1905


Der Freisch?tz: Overture

Le Proph?te: ? pr?tres de Baal
Olive Fremstad

Bruch: Violin Concerto in D Minor
Eugene Ysaye, Violin

Fidelio: Abscheulicher
Marion Weed

Weber/Weingartner Invitation to the Dance

William Tell: Overture

Mignon: Connais-tu le pays
Olive Fremstad

Vieuxtemps Fantasia Appassionata
Eugene Ysaye, Violin

Tannh?user: Dich, teure Halle
Marion Weed

La Damnation de Faust: Hungarian March

Conductor...............Nahan Franko

Althought the program says only that Fremstad sang an aria from Mignon, it is likely that the selection was Connais-tu le pays.

Althought the program says only that Fremstad sang an aria from Mignon, it is likely that the selection was Connais-tu le pays.

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