[Met Concert or Gala] CID:30760

Tenth Grand Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, February 1, 1903

Tenth Grand Sunday Night Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
February 1, 1903


Die Fledermaus: Overture

Il Barbiere di Siviglia: Largo al factotum
Giuseppe Campanari

Pagliacci: Ballatella
Fritzi Scheff

Samson et Dalila: Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse!
Carrie Bridewell

Paul Miersch: Indian Rhapsody
"Composed on themes selected from the songs and dances of the Ute Indians."
First Performance

Joachim: Concerto in the Hungarian Style
Jaroslav Kocian, violin

Siegfried: Forest Murmurs

Luigi Denza: Mattinata di maggio
Tito Mattei: Slumber Song
Carrie Bridewell

Carmen: Toreador Song
Giuseppe Campanari

Anton Rubinstein: Die Thr?ne
Henry Hadley: My Shadow
Fritzi Scheff

Alfredo D'Ambrosio: Canzonetta
Johan Svendsen: Romance
Wieniawski: Scherzo Tarantelle
Jaroslav Kocian, violin

Euryanthe: Overture

Conductor...............Alfred Hertz

Paul Miersch was a cellist in the Metropolitan Opera orchestra.

Paul Miersch was a cellist in the Metropolitan Opera orchestra.

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


Ute Indian Rhapsody Arranged by P. T. Miersch, One of the Cellists, Wins an Ovation

A distinct novelty was put into the programme of last night's concert at the Metropolitan Opera House. It was an Indian rhapsody, composed by P. T. Miersch, one of the cello players of the house orchestra, on themes selected from the songs and dances of the Ute Indians. Alfred Hertz was leading. The composition was not only one of interest to the student at all familiar with the musical conception of the red man, but of sufficient melody to charm the audience as a whole. The manner in which the chants of the Indians, melancholy and suggestive of the forest wilderness, were interwoven with the fierce rhythmic dances in which the tomtoms and cymbals were conspicuous was especially effective. Mr. Miersch had the gratification of receiving an ovation which kept him on his feet for several minutes bowing to the audience and his fellow players.?

Kocian, the young Bohemian violin virtuoso, appearing for the last time at these concerts, by arrangement with Rudolph Aronson, played one of Joachim's concertos in the Hungarian. style, which gave him full opportunity to exhibit his remarkable technique, Later he was roundly applauded after playing less pretentious, but more tuneful, compositions by d'Ambresio, Svendsen, and Wieniawski.

The balance of the programme was of high order. Mr. Campanari sang Figaro's aria from Rossini's "Il Barbiere di Siviglia" and the ever-popular "Toreador Song" from Bizet's "Carmen." Mme. Fritzi Scheff sang "Air des Oiseaux," from Leoncavallo's "Pagilacci," Rubinstein's "Die Thr?ne" and Henry Hadley's "My Shadow." Miss Carrie Bridewell sang the air "Amour, viens aider," from Saint-Sa?ns' "Samson et Dalila," Deuza's "May Morning," and Mattei's " "Slumber Song."

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