[Met Performance] CID:25420

Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, December 19, 1900

Tannh?user (101)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Ernest Van Dyck

Milka Ternina

Theodore Bertram

Susan Strong

Pol Plan?on

Jacques Bars

Adolph Von H?bbenet

Adolph M?hlmann

Lodovico Viviani

Rosa Olitzka

Walter Damrosch

Review 1:

Review in the Brooklyn Eagle

Metropolitan Opera House

Perhaps it is a little early in the season for German opera, or possibly the approach of Christmas exerted a diminishing effect upon the size of the audience, but the fact remains that the performance of "Tannh?user," given at the Metropolitan last night, was witnessed by a relatively small attendance. The performance lacked nothing in the matter of artistic finish, save when Van Dyck occasionally failed to appreciate and interpret the poetic possibilities of the title role; but to atone for these defects the tenor sang with all the fire and vigor of one trained in the best traditions of the Wagner school and the approval he earned was frequent, demonstrative and deserved. Fr?ulein Ternina's Elizabeth left little to be desired: it was a fine interpretation and worthy of the brilliant artist who presented it. Miss Susan Strong, the Venus of the cast, has gained in dramatic power since last season. Her work last night was marked by an assurance which has hitherto been painfully absent. Plan?on was the Herman, Miss Oliitzka, the Shepherd and Herr Bertram, the Wolfram of the cast; the other parts were divided between Bars, H?bbenet, Muhlmann and Viviani. Walter Damrosch had the orchestra under perfect control. On Friday night "Lohengrin" will be sung.

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