[Met Tour] CID:14600

Rom?o et Juliette
Mechanics Building Auditorium, Boston, Massachusetts, Fri, March 8, 1895

Bishop: Clari: Home sweet home
Nellie Melba
Jean De Reszke, piano
Notes: Still suffering from the effects of a cold, Jean de Reszke omitted his Act II aria, "Ah! l?ve-toi soleil." During the curtain calls at the end of the performance an upright piano was moved onstage, and with Jean De Reszke at the keyboard, Nellie Melba sang her encore.
Still suffering from the effects of a cold, Jean de Reszke omitted his Act II aria, "Ah! l?ve-toi soleil." During the curtain calls at the end of the performance an upright piano was moved onstage, and with Jean De Reszke at the keyboard, Nellie Melba sang her encore.

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