[Met Performance] CID:12940

Metropolitan Opera House, Tue, April 17, 1894

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times

"Carmen" at the Opera.?

The fourteenth performance of "Carmen" for the current musical season took place at the Metropolitan Opera House last night. It was the second night of the supplementary season, and the audience while not as large as that of the previous evening, nor as large as those which attended the earlier performance of the same work, was, nevertheless, one of considerable size and great warmth of feeling. The applause at the Metropolitan is, however, no criterion of merit, for it is bestowed alike on the just and the unjust.

The performance of "Carmen" last night did not differ materially from those given by the same cast in the course of the regular season, and it therefore offers no material for new comment. It may not be amiss to note, as a matter of record, that Mme. Calv?'s performance of the gypsy girl was last evening decidedly apathetic and in some places even careless. Work of this kind may possibly be excusable on the ground of weariness, but certainly on no other.

Signor de Lucia's voice was somewhat affected by a hard season's work, but he sang and acted with his accustomed fervor, and to his earnestness must be attributed the calling forth of the warmest and sincerest applause of the evening. Signor Ancona was in good spirits, and he enacted the gallant Toreador with much spirit. Mme. Emma Eames was the Micaela, a part in which she shines to the greatest advantage by reason of her refinement and her excellent singing. The smaller parts were in the hands of the same persons as heretofore, and Signor Carbone and Rinaldini were full of humor in the quintet of the second act. Signor Bevignani conducted. This evening "Aida" will be sung, and tomorrow evening Massenet's "Werther " will be produced.

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