[Met Performance] CID:11720

New Production

Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, December 20, 1893

Carmen received thirty-one (!) performances this season, thirty of them with Emma Calv?.

Review 1:

Review of W. J. Henderson in The New York Times

...if any cast offered this season has come near to justifying the epithet "ideal" it was that of last evening. Not that any one person gave a performance which might efface all memories of the past, but because of the admirable evenness of the...individual performances and the fine spirit which underlay the whole representation.

The audience was much moved by Mme. Calve's Carmen, but what will be thought of it in the calmer light of this morning's remembrance it is not easy to tell. ...Her Carmen is a creature of unbridled passion...with a sensuous grace and careless of all consequences...in the second act her impression approached the boundaries of the hazardous. Certainly her dance must have brought up in many minds remembrances of the Midway Plaisance. In her singing she displayed again her remarkable command of vocal color. Some of her tones were almost as expressive as some of her postures, and that is saying a good deal. Altogether it was an uncommon performance, and one that will excite discussion. It was not, however, so forcible in its angrier moods as seemed desirable.

M. Jean de Reszke... achieved a most decided success. His acting was full of eloquence and grace, and his conception of the part was at once manly, poetic, and just. He was in fine voice and sang every measure of his music beautifully....he was one of the very best representatives of the part ever seen on the American stage, and last night added to his already strong hold upon the affections of operagoers.

Mme. Emma Eames...was in good voice and she sang exquisitely. Her phrasing was, as usual, delightful, and her charming demeanor added to the effectiveness of her impersonation. M. Lassalle was the Escamillo, and a most picturesque toreador he was. He sang the popular song of the second act with vigor, and in the remainder of the opera was highly satisfactory. In every way he supplied a fitting complement to the work of the three other artists. ...On the whole, the presentation of "Carmen" was one of the best of the season. The scenery was handsome and the costumes were tasteful. The house was filled... and the enthusiasm was great and well merited.

Emma Calv? as Carmen in the Act III card scene. Photograph by Falk.

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