[Met Performance] CID:10800

Metropolitan Opera Premiere, New Production

Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, February 22, 1892

Lakm? received four performances this season.
Marie Van Zandt repeated the Bell Song.
Edouard de Reszke repeated Nilakantha's Act II aria, "Lakm?, ton doux regard se voile"

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


The late Leo Delibes had a pretty conception of the sentiment of Oriental life, and there is a delicious and dreamy languor in the music of his opera "Lakm?" which at first weakens the listener to romantic mood and afterward lulls him with the charmed repose of the East. The opera was last heard here two years ago, when. Mme. Patti interpreted the title r?le, but even then it was difficult to free the mind of the impression made by the American Opera Company's production, which owed much of its effect to the lovely and characteristic scenery painted for it by that accomplished artist, Charles Graham.

Last evening "Lakm?" was revived at the Metropolitan Opera House by Messrs. Abbey, Schoeffel & Grau's Company. The occasion was made especially interesting by the appearance of Mlle. Marie Van Zandt in the title r?le, which she was chosen to "create" by the composer. The young lady has not appeared here before in a part which was more advantageous to the display of her light and pretty voice and facile execution. It is not exceeding the bounds of legitimate fancy to picture a more passionate and forceful Lakm?, but it would not be easy to find one more dainty. Mlle. Van Zandt displayed excellent command of staccato singing in "The Song of the Pariah," generally known as the "bell song," and was accorded a well-deserved demand for an encore. In her duets with Gerald she sang with smoothness and much taste. Altogether her performance was a pleasing one.

M. Montariol has not made so good an impression previously as he made in the part of Gerald. He sang in a manly, vigorous style, and though his voice once or twice failed to meet his demands, his vocal work was always sincere, and carried with it the impression of warmth.

As Nikalantha, M. Edouard de Reszke added another to his already long list of successes. He was a splendid picture in the costume, and he sang with his unfailing plenitude of power and his equally unfailing finish of style. His lovely song in the second act had to be repeated in response to most enthusiastic applause.

The other members of the cast were Mlle. de Vigne as Mallika, Miss Klein as Ellen, Mlle. Bauermeister as Rose, M. Martapousa as Frederic, and M. Rinaldini as Radjl. The fact that all the men in the cast appeared on the programme as Messieurs may be accepted as evidence that the opera was sung with the French text, which is a performance to be commended. The chorus and ballet, as well as the orchestra, were acceptable. Signor Vianesi conducted.

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