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[Met Tour] CID:10040
Rom?o et Juliette
Chicago, Illinois, Mon, November 16, 1891
Debut : Jules Vinch?, Antonio De Vaschetti
Rom?o et Juliette (2)
Charles Gounod | Jules Barbier/Michel Carr?
This was the first Metropolitan Opera performance of a French opera in French. Earlier performances of French works had been in Italian or German.
Rom?o et Juliette received eight performances this season.
Jean De Reszke as Rom?o. Photograph by J. Mieczkowski, Warsaw.
Search by season: 1891-92
Search by title: Rom?o et Juliette,
Met careers
Rom?o et Juliette
Chicago, Illinois, Mon, November 16, 1891
Debut : Jules Vinch?, Antonio De Vaschetti
Rom?o et Juliette (2)
Charles Gounod | Jules Barbier/Michel Carr?
- Rom?o
- Jean de Reszke
- Juliette
- Emma Eames
- Fr?re Laurent
- Edouard de Reszke
- St?phano
- Jane De Vigne
- Mercutio
- Jean Martapoura
- Benvolio
- Antonio Rinaldini
- Gertrude
- Mathilde Bauermeister
- Capulet
- Jules Vinch? [Debut]
- Tybalt
- Victor Capoul
- Gr?gorio
- Antonio De Vaschetti [Debut]
- Duke of Verona
- Lodovico Viviani
- Conductor
- Auguste Vianesi
- Director
- Theodore Habelmann
This was the first Metropolitan Opera performance of a French opera in French. Earlier performances of French works had been in Italian or German.
Rom?o et Juliette received eight performances this season.
Jean De Reszke as Rom?o. Photograph by J. Mieczkowski, Warsaw.
Search by season: 1891-92
Search by title: Rom?o et Juliette,
Met careers
- Auguste Vianesi [Conductor]
- Jean de Reszke [Rom?o]
- Emma Eames [Juliette]
- Edouard de Reszke [Fr?re Laurent]
- Jane De Vigne [St?phano]
- Jean Martapoura [Mercutio]
- Antonio Rinaldini [Benvolio]
- Mathilde Bauermeister [Gertrude]
- Jules Vinch? [Capulet]
- Victor Capoul [Tybalt]
- Antonio De Vaschetti [Gr?gorio]
- Lodovico Viviani [Duke of Verona]
- Theodore Habelmann [Director]