[Met Tour] CID:10000

Chicago, Illinois, Mon, November 9, 1891

Debut : Jean de Reszke, Emma Eames, Giulia Ravogli, Antonio Magini-Coletti, Edouard de Reszke, Enrico Serbolini

In Italian

Lohengrin (65)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Jean de Reszke [Debut]

Emma Eames [Debut]

Giulia Ravogli [Debut]

Antonio Magini-Coletti [Debut]

King Heinrich
Edouard de Reszke [Debut]

Enrico Serbolini [Debut]

Auguste Vianesi

Theodore Habelmann

Set Designer
Charles Fox, Jr.

Set Designer
William Schaeffer

Set Designer
Gaspar Maeder

Set Designer
Mr. Thompson

Costume Designer
D. Ascoli

Costume Designer
Henry Dazian

Lohengrin received nine performances in Italian this season.

Review 1:

Review from Chicago to The New York Times

CHICAGO, Nov. 14. - It was thought reason for not a little regret both in New York and this city when it was announced that the management of the Metropolitan Opera House, which in a measure seems to control the operatic destiny of the country, had decided to discontinue German opera this year and to substitute therefore Italian opera. By selecting "Lohengrin" as the opera with which to open the present season. Messrs. Abbey and Grau made a praiseworthy compromise. All fears that the season would be composed of a series of repetitious of hackneyed Italian operas were thus allayed. It is too early to pass any judgment, but, according to the indications to be found in this week's performances, it is almost safe to assume that in many respects this year will witness some of the most brilliant performances of grand opera ever given in this country. The magnitude of the company that has been organized is shown by the fact that it comprises such artists as Emma Eames, Miss Van Zandt, the Ravogli sisters, the De Reszke brothers, Mlle. Bauermeister, and Ida Klein, who were heard this week, besides Scalchi, Albani, and Lehmann, who will not be heard until the coming week and the week following.

The performance of 'Lohengrin " on Monday evening, which served to introduce five newcomers, was a praiseworthy one, without presenting, with perhaps one or two exceptions, any particularly noteworthy features. So far as the principals are concerned, it certainly was not superior to performances of "Lohengrin" that have been seen in this city, and, in several instances, by no means the equal. Both Mss Eames and Jean De Reszke as Elsa and Lohengrin, did not fill the expectations that had been raised, but there cannot be a doubt as to the rank Edouard De Reszke occupies. Endowed with a voice which for power and quality, richness and warmth; range and volume, has seldom been equaled, he displayed the highest art in the use of it. His acting also was artistic, and dignified, and his impersonation was in every respect a regal one. Giulia Ravogli, as Ortrud, displayed histrionic ability of an exceptionally high order and a mezzo-soprano voice of extensive compass and considerable power. ?

Emma Eames as Elsa. Photograph by Aim? Dupont.

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