[Met Performance] CID:6960

Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, January 2, 1889

In German

Note: Perotti sang in German. See 12/26/88.
Perotti sang in German. See 12/26/88.

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


The gloom which has hung over the Opera House for a few nights has passed away. The two tenors who succumbed to the intolerable fickleness of our climate are once more able to sing. One of them, Herr Perotti, made his reappearance last evening in the title r?le of Gounod's "Faust." It may as well be noted here that he sang in German, and so did every one else in the cast. His voice showed the effects of his recent cold, but the moderation which was forced upon him was advantageous to his performance. Fr?ulein Katti Bettaque was the Margaretha for the first time here. She looked well in a simple white costume and a blonde wig, and she acted with much simplicity of manner. Some parts of the music she sang well, notably the "King of Thule" song, which she gave with smoothness and taste. But as her voice is not of great range nor of much flexibility she was less successful in the "Jewel Song," She forced her voice frequently so as to produce a strident quality of tone. However, on the whole, her Margaretha was a pleasant impersonation. The remainder of the cast was the same as heretofore. Herr Fischer took a more serious view of Mephisto, and played the archfiend with more suggestiveness of subtlety. Herr Robinson was the Valentine, and Fr?ulein Koschoska the Siebel. The ballet followed the fourth act, as usual at the Metropolitan.

The happy recovery of Herr Alvary sets at rest all doubts about the production of "Das Rheingold" tomorrow evening. He appeared at rehearsal yesterday in good vocal condition. The first music-drama or the Nibelungen series will, therefore, have its first production in this country tomorrow evening. Logically, its should have been given last winter, but there were serious difficulties in the way of its production. In fact, it can be performed in the Metropolitan even now only in the face of obstacles. The house has a badly-constructed stage, ill adapted to the representation of any work requiring heavy mechanical operations. That "Das Rheingold" is to be performed in spite of the lions in the path is, of course, to the credit of the management.

It was the original intention to give the work as it is written, in one act. This sounds alarming, but it is a short opera and plays about two hours and a half. It has, however, been deemed advisable to have a brief intermission after the second scene, that which takes place beneath the walls of Walhalla. This is the practice of the Imperial Opera House in Vienna and, though open to objection on artistic grounds, will doubtless prove a welcome relief. The performance will begin at 8:30 instead of 8 o'clock, and the opera will be repeated on Saturday afternoon.

Last, but not least, it is announced that Frau Lilli Lehmann sailed from Bremen yesterday, and may be expected to arrive in this city about Friday of next week. Her reappearance at the Opera House will take place on or about Jan. 23. This will undoubtedly be welcome news to the legion of admirers of this talented and conscientious artist.

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