[Met Performance] CID:6280

Metropolitan Opera House, Wed, December 21, 1887

Tannh?user (37)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Albert Niemann

Auguste Seidl-Kraus

Adolf Robinson

Louise Meisslinger

Emil Fischer

Max Alvary

Otto Kemlitz

Rudolph Von Milde

Emil S?nger

Minnie Dilthey

Anton Seidl

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


"Tannh?user" was given once more at the Metropolitan Opera House last evening. This now familiar and well-loved opera served to draw together and interest a large and brilliant audience. The performance was in many respects notably better than some of those which have preceded it. Herr Robinson was in good voice and his singing of Wolfram was marked by fervor, good tone, and excellent judgment. Herr Niemann was not in the best of form, and his voice production was frequently labored and unsatisfactory, but his acting of this r?le is always marked by abundant sincerity, and his general aspect of gloom is well adapted to the appearance of the wandering knight. Herr Fischer sang the King with fine dignity and feeling. Herr Alvary and Herr von Milde discharged their duties in a thoroughly satisfactory manner. Fr?ulein Meisslinger was substituted for Frau Biro de Marlon, and though not an ideal representative of the part, she was a very great improvement on her predecessor. Her voice is somewhat acid, and her delivery is marred by excessive tremolo at times, but her singing is fresh, vigorous, and earnest. She is a tall woman, and consequently looked fairly well as the stately Goddess. As a whole, the opera moved with smoothness and general excellence. "Tannh?user" is one of the most delightful of all the Wagner operas, and its repetition - when not carried to excess - is always welcome. On Friday evening a novelty will be given at the Opera House in the shape of Weber's "Euryanthe" which has not been performed here in many years.

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