[Met Performance] CID:4530

United States Premiere, New Production

Die Meistersinger von N?rnberg
Metropolitan Opera House, Mon, January 4, 1886

Debut : Felix Kr?mer, Mr. Hoppe, Mr. Langer, Mr. Klaus, Mr. Anlauf

Die Meistersinger von N?rnberg (1)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Hans Sachs
Emil Fischer

Auguste Seidl-Kraus

Walther von Stolzing
Albert Stritt

Marianne Brandt

Felix Kr?mer [Debut]

Otto Kemlitz

Josef Staudigl

Philip Lehmler

Jaro Dworsky

Emil S?nger

Max D?rfler

Mr. Hoppe [Debut]

Mr. Langer [Debut]

Mr. Klaus [Debut]

Mr. Anlauf [Debut]

Hermann Weber [Last performance]

Night Watchman
Carl Kaufmann

Anton Seidl

Mr. Van Hell

Set Designer
Henry E. Hoyt

Costume Designer
Henry Dazian

Lighting Designer
James Stuart, Jr.

Richard Wagner

Richard Wagner

The program states that there was an "Increased male chorus by members of several German singing societies."
Die Meistersinger von N?rnberg received 8 performances this season.

Review 1:

Review of Henry Krehbiel, New York Tribune:

In view of the colossal difficulties of the work and the tremendous tax which it makes on all the forces of an opera house, nothing but enthusiastic praise can be spoken of the representation last night. Nothing that the artists at the Metropolitan have yet done has shown them in so excellent a light as their preparation and production of the opera under exisiting circumstances. Technical flaws were easily discovered and the choral shortcoming in the finale of the second act especially, were so great that we felt tempted to agree with the reasonableness of Herr Ehlert's suggestion made years ago, that the street fight be treated as a pantomime, but on all hands there were evidences of an intelligent spirit and honest purpose which were refreshing. There was no parade of scenic effects, and all the weight of the production was thrown on the acting and singing.

The orchestra, under Herr Seidl's fine conducting, accomplished feats which its composition would have led one to think incredible and again furnished cause for profound gratitude that so fited and capable a musician has been brought into this country.

Under the circumstances detailed criticism of the indiviual performances can well be spared for the present, though we cannot withhold a word of commendation in two instances because of the unexpected excellence of the impersonation. We refer to the work of Herr Kemlitz, a most commendable Beckmesser, and Herr Kr?mer, a clever David. Herr Fischer, as Sachs, was not in prime vocal condition and his notable representation of the character will doubtless be better still hereafter. And with a complimentary allusion to Frau Kraus, Fr?ulein Brandt, Herr Stritt, Herr Staudigl, Herr Kaufmann, and Herr Lehmler, the

Review 2:

Review of a first representation which will be frequently referred to in the future history of opera in American must end. The audience received the opera with much enthusiasm, and recalls followed each act.

Photograph by Falk of Emil Fischer as Hans Sachs.

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