[Met Performance] CID:4390

Metropolitan Opera House, Fri, December 18, 1885

Lohengrin (26)
Richard Wagner | Richard Wagner
Albert Stritt

Auguste Seidl-Kraus

Marianne Brandt

Adolf Robinson

King Heinrich
Emil Fischer

Alexander Alexy

Otto Kemlitz

Jaro Dworsky

Carl Kaufmann

Emil S?nger

Anton Seidl

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times:


Last evening's representation of "Lohengrin" at the Metropolitan Opera House brought together an assemblage that filled the auditorium. Wagner's best known and still popular work was sung by the same artists that appeared in it at the outset of the present season, and the performance yesterday differed in no essential respect from that with which the current series of entertainments was begun. As to balance and smoothness and in point of scenic attire, no more praiseworthy rendering of "Lohengrin" has been offered in this city since the initial production of the opera 15 years ago. Persons that take their pleasure fitfully, and, in the language of the French wit, have a fondness for delightful moments bought at the expense of disagreeable half hours, may recall past representations through individual personations of extraordinary brilliancy, but there is no record of a more symmetrical exposition of the familiar story and score than is now offered at the Metropolitan. On the occasion under notice, as before, Herr Stritt was Lohengrin, Herr Fischer the King, Herr Robinson Telramund, Frau Krauss Elsa, and Fr?ulein Brandt Ortrud. Herr Stritt's voice scarcely commends the tenor to admiration, but his portrayal of Lohengrin is studied, elaborate, and proportionately impressive. The efforts of the remaining artists need no further reference. The rich concerted music went capitally, the final incidents of the second act proving notably effective.

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