[Met Concert or Gala] CID:1630

Grand Sunday Night Concert
Metropolitan Opera House, Sun, January 13, 1884

Grand Sunday Night Concert

Metropolitan Opera House
January 13, 1884


Willaum Tell: Overture

Martha: M'appari
Nicola Stagi

Sauzay: Dieu qu'il la fait
Louise Lablache

Le Proph?te: Aussi nombreux que les ?toiles
Giovanni Mirabella

Lucrezia Borgia: Il segreto
Zelia Trebelli

Don Pasquale: Bella siccome un angelo
Giuseppe Del Puente

Mireille: La brise est douce et parfum?e
Emmy Fursch-Madi
Victor Capoul

Volkmann: Serenade in D Minor

Faust: Salut demeure
Victor Capoul

Don Giovanni: Or sai chi l'onore
Emmy Fursch-Madi

Mattei: Non ? ver'
Mr. Cavazza, cornet

Stabat Mater: Quis est homo
Emmy Fursch-Madi
Zelia Trebelli

Le Proph?te: Coronation March

Conductor...............Auguste Vianesi

Italo Azzoni, Piano

Italo Azzoni, Piano

Review 1:

Review in The New York Times


The programme of the Sunday concert at the Metropolitan Opera House, last evening. included sufficient good material to interest the frequenters of miscellaneous entertainments of the kind and would have afforded almost unmingled pleasure, but for the bad management of affairs upon the stage. Glorious uncertainty always prevails at the Metropolitan as to the numbers the artists are to sing; Signor Vianesi is constantly beheld running from desk to desk to make sure that the musicians are supplied with the requisite music; the accompanist is usually conspicuous by his absence; the vocalists never come provided with duplicate copies of their encore pieces, and, to sum it up, for two and a half hours chaos rules. Last night Signor Vianesi was, if anything, more all-pervading than ever. A more willing conductor it is hard to imagine, but one can weary even of too much willingness, and when Signor Vianesi, after moving the piano, improvising a stool, and [starting] the instrument, eked out an accompaniment by craning toward the sheet of music held by Mlle. Lablache, the audience could not refrain from indulging in merriment. Mishaps of this nature, however, detract from the effect of a representation and offend the genuine dilettante. They lessened materially the impressiveness of last night's work, some of which was decidedly creditable. A few of its best elements may be enumerated. Mme. Fursch-Madi and M. Capoul interpreted with delightful feeling and expressiveness the "Magali duet" from Gounod's "Mireille," and Mme. Fursch-Madi, later on, furnished a highly dramatic rendering of the aria "Or sai che l'onore," from "Don Giovanni." It is a treat to listen to so pure, mellow and vibrant a voice as this songstress possesses and a treat which this season has been too rarely enjoyed. Mme. Trebelli gave with considerable spirit and brilliancy the brindisi from "Lucrezia Borgia." Signor Mirabella contributed a vigorous delivery of the "Piff paff" air from '"Gli Ugonotti," and Signor Del Puente lent his sonorous tones and tasteful style to the familiar romanza "Bella siccome un angelo," from "Don Pasquale." Encores were demanded of all these performers and the request was, in each case, complied with. A thoroughly French and thoroughly captivating interpretation of a little French song, entitled "Dieu, qu'll l'a fait," by Mlle. Lablache, was also listened to and so heartily applauded that the artist had to reappear and sing, "Some Day," during the rendering of which the comical but unwelcome incident referred to above occurred. An impassioned and Gallic performance of "Salve dimora," by M. Capoul. who can never be taxed with not feeling his music; a commonplace rendering of "M'appari" by one of the second tenors of the Metropolitan, Signor Stagi, who is gifted with a very sweet voice, and a shockingly inappropriate cornet solo by Signor Cavazza, were the remaining selections, with the overture to "William Tell" and two other orchestral numbers. The band did admirably. Signor Vianesi's calisthenics not interfering, seemingly, with his magnetism and authority as a conductor.

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